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July 2 to 6, 2012

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Exhibitors 2012

Information for exhibitors
(Only available in Swedish)

This year's exhibitors at the International Square Almedalen

Svenska Kyrkans internationella arbete    
UN Women    
Röda Korset, Globalt engagemang   www.redcross.se
Rädda Barnen    
Tupilak and the ILGCN    
Sign for Peace Foundation   www.signforpeace.org
Svenka Afghanistankommittén (måndag)
Mötes och debattplats om Vems säkerhet?
Region Gotlands Internationella arbete
Gotland i Östersjön, Europa och Världen

Other contributors:

Röda Korsets Barn- och ungdomskrets/RKUF Gotland med Mötesplats Kupan, Café och Second Hand.    
Kulturskolan Gotland.    
Visby klätterklubb.    
Studieförbundet Bilda.    
Behrang Miri, debater and performer.    
Gonzalo, artist and musicians.    


About the International Square during Almedalen Week

The International Square Almedalen is a united action between nonprofit organizations that strives to put a international perspective to Swedish politics. It is a united action to further the international perspective of solidarity, justice and how to go forward with the common effort of decreasing poverty.

This years is the seventh year that the international square has taken place during Almedalen Week. The Politicians Week in Almedalen started already in 1968 and is now an important part for political parties, lobbyists, and NGO:s. The media coverage has during the last years been extensive. The International Square is today an important actor and we ask all our participants to enter their activities in the Almedalen Week event calendar.

Go to Almedalen Week Webpage

Contact: Project coordinator Janne Nilsson